From 2x to 5x+ returns in 6 months of investment in the limited Academy focused on Web3 and the cryptocurrency world
Within the Academy, you'll receive practical recommendations for preserving and multiplying your investment portfolio through regular work in the closed Alfa DAO community
What will you actually get in AAcademy?
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Retrodrops Course: "Drophunting"
Unlock strategies, tools, and expert advice to effectively engage in drophunting and optimize your profits.
Fundamentals Course: "Crypto Fundamental"
Explore the basics of cryptocurrencies and blockchain – our "Crypto Fundamental" course provides a thorough grasp of the core principles and fundamental aspects of the cryptocurrency industry.
Magic wand for safeguarding your funds: "Crypto Security"
Ensure the safety of your cryptocurrency assets with our Crypto Security course. Learn the best practices for storing, protecting, and safeguarding your funds.
NFT Course: "NFT Loot"
Explore trends, investment strategies, and current opportunities in the NFT sector.
Weekly streams and AMA sessions with mentors from each direction
Your chance to ask questions, discuss relevant topics, and receive exclusive advice from our mentors and invited experts.
Watch the video above and find your answers to achieving financial success. Write down these answers in a notebook and refer to them daily. This is your first step, and believe me, it's very important.
Private Discord community
Our Discord community is the place where you'll find like-minded people, expert support, and access to exclusive information
From 2x to 5x+ returns in 6 months of investment
in the limited Academy focused on Web3 and the cryptocurrency world
Coming soon
Only a comprehensive approach to learning and investing
will shield you from FOMO for the next 6 months.
It's all about how you navigate this bull run and what kind of community you build in 2024...
Invest in
your future
Entry and exit points for meme coins and shield coins with short-term and long-term calculations
Analysis of meme coins and shitcoins
Fundamental investing
Comprehensive overview of the crypto market
Review of the global economic market
Entry points and Arut's personal portfolio following
Access to exclusive allocations in the most promising projects
Collecting hot tweets from key KOLs, projects, and funds
Projects' review and analysis
WL, FreeMint
NFT trading on Blur/OpenSea
Drops activities
Project reviews and updates
DYOR on projects at a super early stage with the opportunity to receive a drop for any activity — OG role in Discord or subscription to the project's website
Comprehensive guides on how to participate in the activities of current projects
Ambassador programs with the opportunity to receive fixed rewards in tokens or $ for activity in projects
Full analysis of all funds or investors entering new projects
This is not just an educational platform; it's your personal mentor in the world of Web3, cryptocurrencies, and investing
We offer a comprehensive approach that combines:
Practical experience from professors
Access to exclusive alpha information on a regular basis
Deep knowledge
Get all the tools, knowledge and expert support you need
To achieve financial prosperity during this Bull Run by clicking the button below
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Successful students
Don't trust anyone, trust the feedback of our students who have achieved results with the help of our expertise.
Aacademy is more than just an educational platform. It's your personal guide to the world of Web3, cryptocurrencies, and investments.

Our mission is to provide comprehensive education on the most promising segments of the cryptocurrency space.

We combine the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of our experts with access to unique and valuable information that is updated regularly.
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